Claim Jumpers Alderwood Mall My Favorite Restaurant of All Time

Claim Jumpers is hands down my all time favorite restaurant. I know what you're thinking how can a chain restaurant near Alderwood Mall be the best restaurant in Seattle? Well I'll tell you Seattleites it's the atmosphere, service, great tasting food, and most importantly attention to detail. I've been to the Dahlia Lounge , El Gauchos, etc. in Seattle, but as far as an everyday yet upscale restaurant Claim Jumper's is my favorite. When you first walk in Claim Jumper's you'll notice it looks and smells like a log cabin. It's reminds me of a massive ski log on Stevens Pass or a hotel in Yellowstone National Park. It's actually looks very similar to a restaurant I dined at in the Grand Tetons Montana last summer. I usually order water, caesar salad, and a club sandwich off the lunch menu. I love it when a restaurant pays so close attention to detail. It's obvious that Claim Jumpers does this for the moment you walk in. When you enter Claim Jumpers you are immediately greeted and lead to a clean, rustic looking table and seated, you are then asked what kind or drinks you'd like. The water is brought out in a large glass with a slice of lemon in it placed on a napkin on your table. Next I order my caesar salad. The caesar is always better than any I've had at another restaurant. They grate parmesan cheese on top, the crotons taste homemade, the waiter or waitress grinds ground pepper on top, the plate is ice cold and the lettuce is chilled, fresh, and crisp. Next, you receive your entrée, the portions are always large so bring your appetite, the ingredients and flavors are top notch. Claim Jumper's to me seems to combine casual with upscale dining. In upscale dining one can take a small bite of something yet experience enormous flavor, but who wants small portions and high $50+ a plate prices. Claim Jumpers combines the intense flavors you'd find in upscale dining with a casual dining experience. The prices are a bit above average, but its well worth it.
5 out of 5 stars
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